Feb 27, 2018

Concepts of Mantras


Reciting the mantras or hymns has been a tradition with the hindu, zen and Chinese way of meditation (the author doesn’t associates with the idea that recitations doing anything with meditation), in which the masters and the scriptures ascribe numerous mantras, hymns for the individual to undertake, during the course, and this practise is still being articulated for being a separate path for achieving the “self” or having a state of happiness, along with placing these very steps for other different aspects such as good health, wealth and also getting rid of some spirit which is said to be imposing itself itself on the individual. There is no doubt, that the human is body is able to generate chemicals when it is exposed to specific vibrations, so there is no doubt that the mantas or the hymns, when recited (in correct manner) are more than capable of generating certain chemicals within the system, that the system (which here means the human body) gets over the present state of emotions and moves to another state of emotional state, either it be getting over from the state of unhealthiness to being healthy, or moving from fear to strength, but the question only about use of these stupendous tools for the use for meditation is somehow being wrongly interpreted, and the sense the emotion of happiness being drawn in parallel to the sense of “nothing” is like depriving a healthy body to eat, but to be fed intravenously.

Sound, has a great ability to heal (the use of words or language don’t constitute to sound) as these sounds are identified in the vedas and other scriptures, to the sounds which are reverberated by the molecules/cells within the body( a healthy body would have been taken as model) when in motion and would be colliding with each other would tend to reverberate, and if the individual is unable to trace out these vibrations/ hymns within itself, then it is recommended that the individual takes up the enterprise of reciting these hymns externally, using the sound box, and externally feed the CHITAA ( one of the sixteen segments of the brain) which in reaction to these sounds would be releasing the happy secretion, called adrenaline ( in medical terminology), which makes the emotions of the individual attain stability, the same is also done by consuming sedatives, in which the emotions are stabilised externally ( when a doctor prescribes medicines for the heart patient, depression, and even for cough, are all sedative in nature making the body be at ease and in state of rest). The measure of reciting hymns and mantras is rigid and requires strict discipline of the emotions, but in case of sedatives its easy but there is no control and the state of happiness stays only till the time the drug is reacting within, its like being a cashier of a bank, having huge chunks of money, but not owning a penny of it.

In hindu school of thought, the sages ( medieval days scientist) had suggested measures, which were fragmented forms of the hymns and are know known as mantras, in which the use of language ( in form of words) along with the natural hymns were shared, for the public in large, and making the things more easier ( or distorting from real concept, the choice remains with the reader) certain figures (statues) were also engineered ( as there is engineering logic to the placement of the things in the shape of statue, as every angle is at 52 degrees and 51 minutes as has been the case in all temples, churches, mosques or even pyramids, as this is the angle of the highest point on everyones skull, but the author would not like to elaborate on it further) in order to make those disciples who were failing to concentrate within to have a object outside to concentrate on, but during the course of the time, this (distorted) concept has been distorted further, and the concepts now prudent in the market (of GOD seeking) are digressing the individual to look away from itself in order to have itself. The author would suggest to its wise readers, to try and plunge inside themselves and see if there is something?