The vedas illustrate as how the brain monitors the entire organs by sending and receiving signals, but when there is some kind of stress, then the release of cytokines IL-6 changes the healthy density of cytokines and other hormones in the body, which is known as illness, which leads to further deterioration in compromise of strength and immunity, psychological and/or physical health.
Analysing the Psychic Energies within the body, along with the contributing factors, like stress, anxiety...the conclusions are drawn and by specially designed methodologies the person is healed, which leads the person to be controlling the ways his/her life will be which inculcates the sense of comfort within the person.
The Psychic energy of body is the defining energy of life, the strength of this energy makes the person strong, emotionally, physically, biologically. This psychic energy if used in correct manner, is more than capable of curing dreaded diseases, improving your personal, professional and societal relationships
Psychics is the energy which is released by the hypothalamus and amygdala in the conscious and unconscious brain, which plays most prudent role in determining and shaping the life and its outcome of and for the individual, both as for the person and also the effect of the person on the surrounding environment. This energy is sensed by use of galvanized skin response system of the brain, by masters (who by training and naturally have activated frontal temporal lobe).
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The vedas have illustrated several measures by which the psychic energy of the person can be understood and decoded. In one of its most primitive method the use of wheat granules is done (in presence of the person, or in attendance of either of the five elements - like over a video call, voice call) and the negative effecting energies (either hindering in progress, personal life or negatively aspecting health) are traced and the way to overcome the disparity is described.
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