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There are seven major chakras (confluence points) in the
body which are responsible for the energies to travel upward
and downward. These seven chakras are the seven major joints
in the spine; the spine that hosts the three nadis नाड़ी, clearing
and activation of which is the key to unblocking the hidden
energies within. As elaborated in the introduction to the
kundalini power, there are numerous methods enshrined in the
Vedas and several others, which have been developed by the
sages during their journey of realization. These include:
1. Breathing स्वाँस
2. Physical योग
3. Hand Formulations बंध
4. Focus-based Exercises ध्यानक्रिया
5. Mantras Recitation मंत्रउच्चारण
6. Naad Kriya धुनीयोग 
7. Yantra Sadhna यंत्रसाधना
8. Tantra Sadhna तंत्रसाधना
In the chapters on chakras, I shall be illustrating various
techniques specific to all of these chakras, and how and what
shall be the initial sensations or experiences that one may
encounter while undertaking them. The later experiences may
vary from individual to individual and presenting a generic
experience as to what one should feel, post crossing the first
benchmark of unblocking these chakras, would be wrong on
my part. However, I would definitely highlight the
hallucinations which one may undergo, post the activation, in
order to circumvent one’s way and not get stuck in the same.

2 A Comprehensive Guide to Kundalini and Chakra Yog
In this chapter, I will explain the first chakra, mooldhara
मूलधारा. As the name suggests itself, this is the inception point
of the energy to implore and explore. This chakra when
activated pullulates in four directions viz. North, South, East
and West. The sages who observed the movement of the
chakra have illustrated this luxuriation in the yantra यंत्र which
is a pictorial representation of the movement of energy in the
chakra. The four directional movement of the energy in this
chakra also represents society and has great value pertaining to
gains in the societal life. This chakra or the first 5 chakras
when stimulated and activated, extend prosperity in both the
worlds—societal and spiritual. The exclusive spiritual journey
starts post crossing the throat chakra. It is then, when the
aatman आत्मन stretches out to parmatmam परमातम्म and the
gains in the sense of wealth, fame, name and other frills of life
aren’t really desired and the person really doesn’t languish to
have them either. Anyhow, I shall continue to share the
procedures and techniques to activate these 5 chakras.
Three positions and the ellipsoid—the four directions are
reflection of what kundalini is and her behaviour and how she
would move (if and when that is the case). Kundalini is just an
opening of the tail bone (the lowest part of the spine). It is this
opening which hosts the mouth and the tail of kundalini even
when it is in a latent state. With the onset of the regime of
opening of this chakra, the kundalini starts its movement (this
depends upon the existing energy spectrum and the balance
status of the elements).
Self-control, known as Indra इंद्र, is the power of activating
this chakra. As per the purana पुराण, इंद्र rides brown coloured
elephant with seven trunks and each of these details has their
relevance in understanding and hence activating the chakra.
The brown colour of the elephant indicates the colour of the
organ/area where this chakra is (when blood is washed, this
area is brown in its colour). The seven trunks of the elephant

3 Root Chakra: Mooldhara
reflect the way this chakra interacts and communicates. The
names and virtues of these seven trunks are:
1. Shrot श्रोत
1. Twacha त्वचा
2. Chakshu चक्षु
3. Jivah जिवाह
4. Naasika नासिका
5. Guda गुदा
6. Ling or yoni लिंगयायोनि
These seven virtues of the trunk are responsible for all the
seven colours and seven notes of the music and also how the
seven major planets would be for an individual.
The reason for reflecting “elephant” as the vehicle वाहन of
इंद्र “self-control” is that since times immemorial, humans like
elephants, have always been languishing for more than what
they can consume. Having utmost sincerity towards the “self-
generated” needs and desires, there is no end to the
consumption and it often destructs those/that who are not even
blocking it. However, the one who has mastered his/her
desires, lust and greed, is the one who shall be riding this
uncontrolled elephant (which possesses immense power and
energy, but just needs the direction and the right path) and
making the best out of this energy. This is what the yantra यंत्र
of this chakra means.
The mantras as mentioned in yog vashisht योगवशिष्ट
associate Lord Ganesha as the epicentre of this chakra. In the
mantra recitation process of activating the chakras, it is the
beej mantras बीजमंत्र of Lord Ganesha which are recited. Of
course, there are definite and prescribed principles as to how
the recitation should be done.
The reason for associating Lord Ganesha as the epicentre
of this chakra is derived from the four directional movements;

4 A Comprehensive Guide to Kundalini and Chakra Yog
as is the case with Lord Ganesha who has four arms, and in
these four arms, Lord Ganesha is depicted as holding:
1. Modak मोदक: symbol of joy and jubilation
7. Kamal कमल: symbol of prosperity
8. Ankush अंकुश: symbol of control(ing)
9. Abhay Mudra अभयमुद्रा: to be fearless
The northern junction (looking upwards) of the triangle is
associated with Lord Brahma ब्रह्मा, as it is at this junction,
where exists a possibility of the energy from this chakra to
take four new forms/purposes, viz.:
1. Bhautik Sharir भौतिकशरीर: worldly pleasures
10. Baudhik Sharir बौधिकशरीर: intellect
11. Bhavnatmak Sharir भावनात्मकशरीर: emotional
12. Chaitnyatmak Sharir चेतनयात्मकशरीर: consciousness
Bhautik Sharir भौतिकशरीर: This virtue of life and the facet
of human body is the one which takes care of or generates the
need for worldly pleasures like hunger, sleep, emotions, liking
or disliking and all other traits which are conceived to be
societal or existential.
Baudhik Sharir बौधिकशरीर: This virtue of life and the facet
of human body is the one which generates emotions post the
“evaluations” of a thing or an event. The corresponding
emotions of success or failure driven post the thing are
absorbed and observed by this part of the body.
Bhavnatmak Sharir भावनात्मकशरीर: This virtue of life and
the facet of human body generate “love” and “prejudices”. The
deductions in the Bhaudik Sharir बौधिकशरीर are complied and
analysed and resultantly, the corresponding emotion(s)
pertaining to “love”, “acceptance”, “prejudice” and “defiance”
are released.
Chaitanyatmak Sharir चेतनयात्मकशरीर: This virtue of life
and the facet of human body are responsible for recognising

5 Root Chakra: Mooldhara
and absorbing “knowledge” or “learning”. Academic
performance is also governed by this facet of human body.
Any person when behaves in a selfish manner and doesn’t
adhere to the axioms of nature, it is then when the person
inflicts this chakra and the results are detrimental. There may
not be immediate visible effects but sooner than later, issues
pertaining to health, profession and personal life are
As mentioned above, there are three ways by which
chakras can be stimulated and regular following of (any of)
these measures will ensure opening and hence the activation of
the chakra. Before I mention the ways which you may adopt
for activating the chakras, I shall be enlisting food articles at
the end of each chapter which shall assist you in activating the
respective chakra.
Breath is one of the most difficult thing to alter and also
keeping it in a specific manner, as both biological and
psychological facets of the body shall be dithering post this
For the stimulation of root chakra, you need to sit in sidh
aasan सिद्धआसन.
The breath needs to be inhaled both from the nose and the
mouth. In the event of inhaling air from the mouth, the intake
should resemble as if you are eating something and it has be
swallowed (like drinking water), pushing the air from your
lungs to the lowest part of your posture. When you are able to
make the breath reach the lowest part of the body, hold it there
and keep you cheeks in the manner of “mouthful” duration for
holding the breath within. This will depend on your personal
capacity and shall increase with regular practice (mentioning
any time period would contribute to stress building as the
aspirants would be focusing more on the timeline instead of
the breath, which is what I do not intend to prescribe).

6 A Comprehensive Guide to Kundalini and Chakra Yog
Keep repeating this exercise for at least half an hour in one
sitting and doing twice a day would help a great deal.
Importantly, there should be a gap of at least 3 hours between
the exercises and the food consumed. In addition to the
minutiae of the exercises, the ambience would also contribute
towards the success factor. Room temperature set at 22
degrees would be beneficial during the initial days as also
sitting on a blood coloured mat (preferably having the yantra
of root chakra inscribed on it) would assist in your endeavour
of activating the root chakra.
Physical Postures
The tenets of this part of the regime are based upon the
releasing and blocking/restricting the flow of blood and other
nutrients to specific parts of the body. In yog, for root chakra, a
person has to sit in sidh aasan सिद्धआसन.
While being in sidh aasan सिद्धआसन and before starting yog,
one should do deep breathing exercises in which the breath has to
be taken more than in the “regular” fashion and has to be held in
the chest area (time period for which the breath is to be held in
the chest shall depend upon your lung capacity, but effort should
be made to increase the breath holding period) and released as
slowly as possible to ensure that all of it is exhaled before you
inhale afresh. Repeat this breathing and relaxing/warming up
exercise for 10-15 minutes, before moving on to physical yog.
While being in sidh aasan सिद्धआसन and ensuring not to
move your lower torso, bend forward while exhaling and try and
touch your nose to the ground in frontal position. Hold this
position whilst not breathing till the time you are comfortable.
Under no circumstances, you should try and be uncomfortable
with any of the exercise(s). Even if you are unable to carry out the
postures or the breathing at the very onset, do not worry, as it
shall come with regular practice, post holding yourself in front
stretched position.

7 Root Chakra: Mooldhara
Subsequently, bend backwards while inhaling (the level of
bending shall depend on your flexibility) and hold the position till
you can balance yourself without using the hands. The next step
is to bring yourself back to normal sidh aasan position and take
breathe normally to relax yourself, before repeating the exercise.
Repeating at least 20 times in one instance would be a good
number to start with and then you may choose to increase the
frequency. If you have problems doing sidh aasan (which is a
clear reflection of blocked root chakra), you may do the exercise
keeping your legs stretched forward initially. However, do work
upon gathering the flexibility for doing sidh aasan.
(Refer to Illustration 2.1: Sidh Aasan सिद्धआसन at Page No. 47)

The following aasan’s are not the standalone ones
compared to the one mentioned before. They all need to be
done in the order as being presented.
Apanaasan अपानआसन
As you are aware, the root chakra is at the tip of the spine.
This aasanआसन helps in stimulating the tip and the
corresponding muscles of the area. Lie down on your back
with your legs extended forward, and slowly bend your knees
one by one or at one go, depending on the existing strength of
the pelvis area (at no point of time, stretch yourself beyond
your comfortable limits) and move these bent knees towards
the chest area. You will experience the lifting of the tip and of
the spine too. It is okay if it rises above the ground but do try
to keep it to the ground while moving your bent knees towards
the chest. When your knees have come close to the chest,
grope them with your arms and hold them while keeping your
breathing normal.
Release the position and gently place your feet on the
ground in forward extended position and relax and keep your
head and rest of the body on the floor. Now, slightly lift your

8 A Comprehensive Guide to Kundalini and Chakra Yog
legs, hold them and then release. At this point, you should be
feeling some sensation in the tip of the spine. In case you are
not that observant, you can feel the change in the muscles
surrounding the spine.
(Refer to Illustration 2.2: Apanaasan अपानआसन at Page No. 47)
Ardh Hal Aasan अर्धहलआसन
Lift your legs straight without bending the knees and try
and bring them together over your head. Hold it there for the
duration as long as possible while maintaining normal
breathing or close to normal. Under no circumstances, you
should hold the position if you are feeling breathless or an
extra effort is required for breathing.
Now, bring down both the legs at a very slow pace, and
while coming down, try and hold on to each of the position for
sometime before coming down further. It must be ensured that
you are using your front abdominal muscles and the pelvis
muscles. At no instance, you should hold it if your back is not
relaxed and is bending upwards.
Post the feet touching the ground, relax for a little while
before attempting another set of this exercise. Reduce the
resting period on your way as you build up your muscles.
(Refer to Illustration 2.3: Ardh Hal Aasan अर्धहलआसन at Page No. 48)
Supta Padangusthasan सुप्तपदंगुस्तआसन
In this aasan आसन, the inner muscles of the legs and the
bridge joining the legs are stimulated, which helps in
activating the root chakra.
Spread your arms completely at shoulder height and then
lift your leg and try and touch the hand of that side while
rotating your head in the opposite direction. Repeat the same
exercise on other side also, whilst ensuring that there is no
stress on the back and there is a feeling of stimulations on the
“bridge” of the legs.

9 Root Chakra: Mooldhara
(Refer to Illustration 2.4: Supta Padangusthasan सुप्तपदंगुस्तआसन at Page No.


Setu Bandha Sarvangaasan सेतुबंधसर्वांगआसन
In this aasan आसन, you need to lie down on your back,
with legs stretched forward. Now, bend your knees and lift
your pelvis while keeping your shoulders and head on the
ground. Hold onto this position and bring your arms in the
space created by lifting up of your lower torso and let the
hands clip together.
Hold this position for as long as possible, and when you
choose to return, first untangle the hands and move your arms
to the side of the body and gently let your body touch the
ground. As your torso has touched the ground slowly, stretch
your legs forward and relax before repeating the exercise.
(Refer to Illustration 2.5: Setu Bandha Sarvangaasan सेतुबंधसर्वांगआसन at Page

No. 49)
Salbhasna Aasan सलभसंआसन
In this aasan आसन, lie down on your belly with arms close
to your body and palms facing the ground. While keeping your
head straight and on the ground, lift your leg straight upwards
and hold it as long as you can comfortably. At no point, should
you exert yourself and bend the leg. Now, bring your leg down
and let it softly touch the ground. Repeat the same process
with your second leg too while adhering to all the requisites.
(Refer to Illustration 2.6: Salbhasna Aasan सलभसंआसन at Page No. 49)
Bhujang Aasan भुजंगआसन 
In this aasan आसन, while lying down on your belly, bring
your folded arms close to your chest and by using the strength
of your arms with support of the spine muscles, lift your upper
torso from the ground while keeping your pelvis and lower
torso on the ground.

10 A Comprehensive Guide to Kundalini and Chakra Yog
Now, lift your body and stretch backwards while keeping
the maximum weight on the arms, which would be almost
straight by now. Hold on to this position at your comforting
levels and then slowly return to lying on the belly position.
(Refer to Illustration 2.7: Bhujang Aasan भुजंगआसन at Page No. 50)
Aadh Mukhas Aasan आधमुख़ासआसन
In this aasan आसन, lie down on your belly with your arms
around the chest area. Now, lift your pelvis area by bending
backwards from the lying position. Keeping lifting your pelvis
area till the time your arms and legs are full stretched. Hold
onto this position till you are in your comforting limits.
Now return back to the initial stage and rest for a while
before repeating this exercise again.
(Refer to Illustration 2.8: Aadh Mukhas Aasan आधमुख़ासआसन at Page No. 50)
Uttaasan उत्तासआसन
In this aasan आसन, stand straight on an even floor and lift
your arms stretched over your head and very slowly bring
them down, touching the back of your heels (you may stick to
touching the ground during the initial days and when you
acquire flexibility, you can touch the back of the heels). Hold
the position while keeping your breath normal. Now, release
the aasan and bring back your body to the standing straight
position. Relax for sometime before repeating the exercise
(Refer to Illustration 2.9: Uttaasan उत्तासआसन at Page No. 51)
Ardh Hanuma Aasan अर्धहनुमाआसन
In this aasan आसन, sit in a posture with knees bent but
upper legs in an erect position. From this position, stretch one
of your legs in front of you and with your arms touching the
ground, try and sit on the leg which is bent. Now, try and

11 Root Chakra: Mooldhara
touch your nose with the knee of the stretched leg. Hold this
position for as long as you can comfortably and maintain it
while breathing normally.
Hereafter, bring back the stretched leg to the bent position
and repeat the exercise with the second leg. It is important that
the duration of holding remains the same for both the legs.
(Refer to Illustration 2.10: Ardh Hanuma Aasan अर्धहनुमाआसन at Page No. 51)
Supt Viraasan सुप्तवीरआसन
In this aasan आसन, you have to be in a kneeling position
with feet comfortably apart from each other. Now, try and sit
back in between the feet and hold this position for a while.
While holding the body in between your legs, bend your back
backwards so that you can lie on your back while keeping the
knees bent. Hold this position for as long as you are
comfortable while maintaining normal breath.
From this point forward, slowly (without any jerks) lift
your back and come to the kneeling position and get up
standing straight on your legs. Relax for a while before
repeating the exercise.
(Refer to Illustration 2.11: Supt Viraasan सुप्तवीरआसन at Page No. 52)
Hand Formulations
The fingers of the hand are joined in a specific manner to
facilitate the stimulation of specific chakras. This exercise is
called bandha बंध. The tips or the roots of the fingers are the
areas where the same nerves or corresponding nerves travel,
which are positioned there or affect the chakras. In the case of
root chakra, join the tips of your thumb and your index finger,
(kindly ensure that there is no pressure of pressing on either
the thumb or the index finger) called the sidh mudra, and
inhale hard and keep inhaling as per your comfort zone. Hold
the breath in your lungs and push the entire held up breath to
your belly and then gently and slowly breathe it out (the

12 A Comprehensive Guide to Kundalini and Chakra Yog
amount of time taken to exhale should be at least double the
time taken to inhale). Keep repeating this exercise for at least
half an hour before normalising your breathing patterns.
(Refer to Illustration 2.12: Hand Formulations at Page No. 52)
Focus-based Exercises
This is one of the most difficult facets of the exercise (as
per the response received from students and clients). This is so
because it requires keeping your mind quiet and focusing on
something which is a part of you (as till now mind has been
focusing on things other than the body). The pre-requisites
include sitting in sidh aasan and observing sidh mudra
सिद्धमुद्रा formed in your hands, comfortably resting on the
folded knees. Thereafter, take your focus to the tip of the tail
of your spine and keep it there and use your psychological
powers to stimulate the tip. It is quite similar to what is done
while tickling. Hold onto your position for a significant period
(just beyond your comfort levels, as they would be), release
the focus and come back and open your eyes. Take a gap of
few breaths before restarting the above mentioned exercise.
Mantra Recitation
The confluence point (root chakra) while undertaking
either of the following: (a) receiving, or (b) assimilating, or (c)
transferring, generates a sound which is recoiling in nature.
Simply putting, it engages both the inhaling and the exhaling
part. The pheme of this chakra is “LAM”, and while reciting,
kindly ensure that you are reciting all the three letters of the
mantra. For the benefit of the readers, it is suggested if they
can adopt the following procedure for reciting the mantra:
Naad Kriya
This is the most prominent stage of chakra meditation. In
this stage, the sound, as produced by the mantra, is heard from

13 Root Chakra: Mooldhara
within the body and during the hearing process, the reactions
of the brain are also observed which correspond in accordance
with the chakra producing the sound. For you to be able to
adopt this process, you should be very comfortable. Without
any break, while undertaking focus-based meditation for more
than a couple of hours, there would exist a possibility of you
being able to reach the inner self to the extent of realising the
motions and hearing the sound.
Yantra Sadhna
This yantra of root chakra is formed by formulating the
body (using hands, arms and legs) in such a way that when
you breathe, the stimulations caused by the usual posture of
the body are caused at the root chakra. For the root chakra,
twist your legs in such a way that they entangle/grope each
other while standing and then repeat the same for the arms too
with a difference that at the end of the groping of the arms, the
palms of the hands should face each other.
Hold onto this position while breathing normally till the
time you are comfortable, and then gently entangle your arms
and legs. Thereafter, relax by engaging in normal stretching
exercises and repeat it again. It is recommended that your
holding period while following this formulation should be at
least 20 minutes (total of the repetitions) initially and later on,
you may choose to increase it as per your strength and
Tantra Sadhna
This facet of the chakra meditation is beyond the ambit

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