The medical science and other medical methodologies are based upon the age of the person for prescriptions, that is how and what is the medicine which the ailing body needs to administer for cure, but has there been a thought, how can the fever (as an example) be different amongst various age groups, child, adult and the old, whereas it is giving the same indications same affects on the body of the person, has this ever guided the fellow readers to a thought? If the afflicting infection is affecting the same organ, how justified or logical, it shall be to have different potency and different dosages, which also has disparity with the healing/recovery time, why?
The author along with its reader, would plunge and try and figure out, what is the difference, is there a difference in the organs (which is unlikely to be) or is it because of something else, a change or strength of the organ. Our body in general is also in a reactive state, which is, it “reacts” to the event, like, what we hear now has a time lag, the time which has been consumed for the sound waves who have been generated from someones mouth, displacement occurs, travels the distance from the mouth of the speaker to your ear drums, and then the signals are sent to the brain which decodes it for being able to understand, all this process has taken a time span, which may be very minute and meniscal but definitely has a value, and then the listeners body reacts as per the chemicals released by the statements understanding (emotions), the same is true if we reverse the chairs in the above example, the listener (you) becomes the speaker. As for the speaker to speak, issue a statement, a thought is generated (which itself is a reaction of how your emotions are for/with the person to whom you are issuing the statement to) and then those chemicals are converted into sound waves and then the same process, of carrying the sound waves to the ear drums and so on and so forth, but in either of the situation one thing is similar, that there is reaction to action (which in itself has incurred due to some reaction). All this if placed in simple terms, is that what we are reacting to in present has happened in the past, this is the mechanics of the body, organs and also in almost all the cases of the “brain” too, we react to things, and even in the example quoted in the first paragraph, the administering of the medicine is dependent upon the time span which the body has covered on earth, this may lead to the reason as to why in all the religions and faiths, there has been a pivotal mention, of living in the “present”and there have been innumerable measures which have been suggested for attaining the “present” state, living alone in higher altitudes, meditating and various similar measures have been enshrined in all the religious scriptures. But what is it that would be achieved, if really it would be, if making oneself be in the present state and not be in the past or future?
Meditation, being popular and widely known, is taken as bench mark by the author to place forth, in trying to explain the paramount relevance of the “present” and how and what is achieved by meditating ( in its original texture and form, not as which is being articulated by the masters). In mediation, there is no object to be observed (for anything to be observed it has to happen, and happening is in the past not in present), but due to the mechanical nature of present day living of the societies, this ‘norm” has been altered, and newer distorted concepts have been hatched by the masters, and the significance of the soul has been changed to concepts of life. Meditation not the subject of the article, the author steps back and comes to the topic, as why there are reactions, instead of action? The body being a chemical factory, and the brain (emotions) being the conductor, is working in mechanical way, not the way it is designed to perform, which is why (as the author feels) there is distortion in the performance of the organs, including brain, which is termed as ageing. The brain, almost without any rest, is all the time reacting (past) or contemplating (future), but is hardly anywhere near the “present”, its virtue is quite similar to the pendulum watch, where the pendulum moves from one end to another strikes one end and then moves to another, but has no displacement, even the medical science terms this state of mind to be “monkey” mind which is always chirping and when this habit of the brain goes beyond a certain time, it emerges as “insomnia” in the physical body . The author would urge its fellow readers, to try and live in present.