There have been a things which are part of daily/hourly or every minute part of the action, which can be voluntary or mechanical in its being, and these things are said to be “habits”, there have been many a teachings and guidances, in which the procedures are laid how to overcome these habits which have formed a permanent/ impressionable relevance in ones life, but the author would like to draw its reader to the thought(s) why is it that the concept of habit is bad and secondly what forms the fabric of evolving a performance into habit?
Let’s first, all of us, dwell for the logics of “habit” before ascribing them to be either, good or bad. As per the ethics of the language and also the sense of the references, habit is explained as an action which is repeated, and this repetition can have variable frequency, right from minutes to days, like having tea in the morning is also an habit or having few drinks in the evening is also an habit, so can be said for going out to the market or going for a morning or an evening walk, or even meeting the family everyday returning upon from work, some of them as per the acceptance of the society are said to be healthy whereas the others are said to be unhealthy or more bluntly as bad, but in totality they are habits, and any change in this procedure causes some kind of anxiety or distress to the emotional part of the mind, may it be for not been able to take a evening walk or couldn’t smoke or drink, but irrespective of the nature, skipping it causes the mind to feel distress. It is quite surprising that mind which apart from having drugs is not supposed to be actively participating in the conduct is affected first and most whenever there is change in the procedure or the conduct, like not been able to have a morning cup of tea doesn’t causes pain the stomach, mouth or the food pipe but yes the head seems to be heavy, and the same can be the case when the evening walk doesn’t happen, then apart from the mind none feels the change, the legs don’t get lethargic or there is any kind of stiffness felt on the shoulders, but the mind increases its response time.
By going through all that has been laid as submission for the reader to analyse, can it be summarised, any action which is being done mechanically or without much of conscious effort for its conduct, is a habit? Now, apart from the societal scales and values may tabulate some of them to be good or bad, but the mind feels no difference amongst them, for it they are mechanical things which it has taken to be done at a certain time or in a certain frequency, irrespective whether it is ranked good or bad by the society, but for “it” the action has a procedural significance.
Now lets step again, into why actions graduated from actions to habits, what was it that made repeated occurrence, and how can the mind do to stop these habits when it in itself is the most prominent receiver? How can the mind be made to act mechanical, whereas its natural nature is of acting impersonating to the changing landscape, this curtailing of the mind, is called “habit” and this superimposed virtue is also the reason for getting addicted to “drugs’ and other unsocial actions. When the individual is able to control this barricade formation, then the individual overcomes these habits which irrespective of what they are, are bad for the system, the body and the brain. In meditation, there are measures provided by which all these “habits” or “addictions” are overcome and the individual is able to live the life in its natural layout and enhance its upper bar more and more as the threshold limits of the individual are enhanced.