The science of well being as enshrined in the vedas, is not the concepts of how to denounce the worldly accomplishments ( if to achieve is taken to be “greed”) like money, wealth, health, beauty, strength and so on and so forth the list continues endlessly, as the vedas too say, there is no end to aspire to have which isn’t already there in the cart. Before we proceed further, lets plunge into denouncing, and have a brief preface of this beautiful expression, as the dictionary simplifies the meaning to denounce is to leave, but where is the “leave” its just the subject is choosing one thing over the other, the aspirant is choosing the undefined ( as the magnitude of beyond matter and time can’t be prescribed within the ambit of under_standing) over the one which is known, so the move in itself doesn’t corresponds to the essence of the process, clarifying the concept the author shifts back to the original postulate of the write up, the different and precise modes of achieving the aspirations.
The technology of channelising the energy within can be done in four (major) ways, by virtue of physical movement (connoted as Bhakti, in which the subject chooses the path of wandering from one high energy place to another, pilgrimage, in prospects of elevating its own spectrum. This process is very popular, and followed in almost all religions, like the buddhist monks travel they also remain in motion when debating/studying the scriptures, and also in islam the movement is part of the prayers, the process of movement and more so if in rhythmic manner, activates body in a specified manner, hence leading the body releasing dopamine and serotonin hormones ( the mention of the hormones if higher cosmic energies existence is contested, by the reader) which results in having enhanced capabilities to cope with the prevailing scenario. There is also another process which is now being used as sub classification (but it in itself is a complete process) of this process of Bhakti, in which the Bhakti is associated with the uttering of specific sounds in prescribed manner, which are 3 major and 4 minor sound strokes, now popularly known as songs, bhajans, sufi or choirs are fine example of this concept, and the resultant is release of oxytocin hormone, easing stress and anxiety, of the subject apart from adding onto enhancing confidence of the person engaged in the process, either as an audience or performer.
The third in the list is the process, praying and offerings, for which special engineered structures were erected ( temples, mosques, churches, monasteries….) which would help in absorbing the higher ionic energies, and hence adding value to the present energy spectrum, but there are certain postures mentioned which are to be done for achieving specific gains, like for health ( heart related issue) then sitting crosslegged facing north west direction and using left nostril for breathing, helps in curing heart/blood pressure related issues. More intense processes are mentioned in the vedas, and these processes lead to very specific leads/gains, and the gain is specific and not in general which may or may not enhance the other virtues of the individual, which in the other above mentioned processes do translate into gains. This process for specific gains, is connoted as recitation of single sound strokes ( naturally occurring in the brain), and when they are corresponded with postures and breathing ( inhale and exhale in controlled manner) result in stimulating specific energy within the body which translates itself for achieving the specific, like utterance of “shreeeeem” stimulates the central nervous system along with centre of the brain, resulting in activating "nurah" energy within the body, which makes horizons for wealth, smog free, this comes as the fourth way to achieve higher energy dimensions in life.
Out of the four segments of well being illustrated above, the fourth one is strictly associated with postures/breathing and other contours, while the other three are more accommodative in perusal, irrespective of the proceeds of the process, they all target towards well being the person, enhancing the individual further to achieve which somehow isn't already there with him/her. The vedas dont leave the practitioner, with submitting on the pretext of fate/ destiny, rather boost up the individual to arise and achieve, a familiar example would be a person administering medicine(s) when sick, not dependent upon "...if destiny be... shall recover....", of course there are limits to what one can achieve ( every person visiting gym doesn't becomes a body builder) but yes there is a provision. The body is an expression of the brain, which in itself is an expression of notes, and as valid for any expression, its the punctuation which matters. The author is using alphabets of the English language to express, but the correct placement of the letter, like which is precede what, would make the correct word and number of correct words would result in correct sentence, likewise the correct punctuation ( activation) of the prevailing energies, would result in “ wonder-full” life else would result in being “wo-n-derf-u-ll”.