How to Choose Mantra
Various yog and meditation teaching schools impart know how of the science of meditation and its concepts.....

Chakra Yoga: Scientific or Faith
Chakra means revolving wheel, which popularly known as “chakra” in English language to denote the cortex of energies within a human body

Sacral Chakra: The Door way to sense and sensuality
Chakras, are the points where the energy changes its form, it's pivotal

Overcoming Stress by Naad Yog
Overcome stress the natural way, Naad Yog, the easiest and efficient way to heal

How Crucial Is Your Karma?
Karma is not only the act, but is more so the reason for performing that act. When there is selfish reason to perform, that's bad karma

Mantras - A Tool To Generate Energy To Connect With Cosmos
Mantras are scientific tools which will change the behaviour and texture of your life energies and they are wrongly described as religious..
The Cosmos To The Brain To The Body
How the soul communicates with the cosmos

Chakras And Their Role In Psychics
The behaviour of the energy within with the cosmic energy, defines all parameters of life
Meditation: The Tenets
The duality in life is the primary cause for all stresses, meditation is a simple tool to realise the monoism.